How has that worked out? I have been curious how much Apples security depended on owning the only allowed app store.
May the machine god guide you to better understanding and watch over the functioning of your machine.
Combined Monkey Years just aren't the same since their lead singer left, I'm hoping they improve eventually.
A Mandy's soul needs to be a fortress.
I know only the empirical clarity of Imperial Truth.
A man's soul needs to be a fortress.
I recommend one of these options:
Mind Blank attempts to hide the mind from attack, making its parts unidentifiable.
Thought Shield cloaks the mind so as to hide first one part, then another. This defense can be kept up at all times, unlike the others.
Mental Barrier is a carefully built thought repetition wall which exposes only that small area.
Intellect Fortress is a defense which calls forth the powers of the ego and super-ego to stop attacks.
Tower of Iron Will relies only upon the super-ego to build an unassailable haven for the brain.
Count the fingers.
Careful what you say for it may be repeated in strange whispers to parts unknown.
Look for symbols.
Understand that style is as important as form.
(Explainer: )
I found this list:
But no evidence of significant usage of 3rd part ios app stores yet.