
joined 1 year ago
[–] 12 points 1 year ago

Between this and Northwestern, I'm so glad student journalism is getting a spotlight!

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I would love to eat meat replacements on a more regular basis, but impossible and beyond burgers are more expensive than actual meat where I live. So I just don't buy them. If the technology /economies of scale actually manage to make them cheaper than meat, I'd replace 80% of my meat consumption.

[–] 12 points 1 year ago

Saying this as an ethnically Chinese person who is not being racist... I had a eufy robovac and when I discovered it was Chinese-owned and had a video camera installed on it... I immediately got rid of that thing. I don't trust any technology company owned by China to be able to see into my home.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

When I'm really struggling it's annoying to have people call me strong or resilient. I mean technically I am strong but it feels like a curse. I don't want to be strong. I want it to be easier.

The worst one, though, THE WORST, is when they say "I don't know how you do it/live like this."

Uuuuhhhh, if I had a choice I wouldn't. I wouldn't do it. I have no choice. The only way out is through.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Now I have depression so it's slightly different than a physical disability, but I have been on disability for 2 years and some days am completely debilitated.

The biggest thing that helps me is just meeting myself where I am, and accepting and working with my restrictions rather than fighting them. One example is I try to make meals for my boyfriend and I since I'm not working right now. But for the last couple of months I've been extra sick and so groceries go bad in the fridge, I eat nothing or trash or order in which is super expensive.

And finally I decided to stop forcing myself to cook only to fail, and now I buy tons of preprepared foods and meal replacement powders. It's not as healthy as home cooked, but it's better than McDonald's or chips, and I don't spend as much money ordering delivery.

As a Chinese person I actually think they're more Korean-inspired, not Chinese. And the devs are Korean, so it doesn't seem disrespectful.

Thank you so much. I feel your big hug and it's appreciated. I do have a therapist I see for my depression and ptsd. I will definitely talk about this with her.

Your empathy stretches beyond even the topic at hand. You hit the nail on the head when you say that suffering added on to existing suffering makes everything more complicated.

If I were mentally healthy right now I think I would process my sexual identity more easily. But for 3 years I've been struggling with annihilating depression.

Writing this is also a helpful reminder that I'm not in the best spot to figure it all out right now, and that I don't have to. I can sit with these somewhat complicated feelings for now and wait for when I'm healthier to open the box. At least I've acknowledged the box for now, instead of shoving it in the closet (har har).

Thank you again for your empathy and kindness. Really.

I love space but I know I'll never be an astronaut and go there, yet that doesn't make my desire to see the stars any less real and valid.

I actually love this and it legitimately makes me feel better lol

Honestly I played it for the first time last year and... It's good but I don't understand the hype? The story in 2022 didn't blow my mind. Definitely fun and I still recommend though.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Exactly on the identity piece, although I do kind of feel like I missed out. I keep thinking about all the times I felt attraction and ran away from it 😅

But I'm with the love of my life too, so, I guess I just move on.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

the attention visibly queer and visibly trans people get, at least in my experience, is negative - who gets up in the morning seeking that?

You articulated this particular piece so well for me. I think I'm also struggling because I don't WANT to be queer. Between the mental health issues and the race and gender and and and I just... I didn't want to be bi on top of that. This isn't fun for me. I don't want one more thing my family is going to invalidate and judge me for. I didn't want to recognize my suffering on yet another thing.

But people (especially younger people) around me are getting more vocal and comfortable with their sexuality and I was watching Atypical where this teenager was discovering she was bi and I just hit this wall. I had to skip the scene because I couldn't bear to hear her say, "I'm bi." It just... Hurt. I both envied her and felt shame I wasn't her. But it wasn't the same 15 years ago when I grew up. (which just makes me feel stupid again. 15 years ago is bootycheeks compared to 50 years ago)

Thank you. It's hard to say more right now because this is a lot to take in... But thank you.


This is a bit of a vent because I don't feel comfortable talking about this in literally any other virtual or physical space. I hope that's ok.

I'm a 28 y/o cis woman in a straight relationship.

When I was 14 I once confided to someone that I thought I was bi. A couple of years later she brings it up in a group setting an I was adamant that conversation never happened and that I was 100% straight.

I grew up in an immigrant community and while unspoken it was always clear to me that there would be hell to pay if I was bi. My parents were already abusive and neglectful and it was hard enough to survive in that environment as is... I was always conscious of not wanting to make that even harder.

And because I was also attracted to men I guess it felt easy enough for me to ignore my attraction to women.

Even in uni I would make out with girls and stuff and my mental dissonance was like "oh, all girls are like that."

I'm super happy that kids these days are more comfortable being queer but as that happened around me it became clear to me that... Oh, shit, I'm bi.

And it just upsets me? Like I'm in a loving straight relationship. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I'm going to marry him in a couple of years. I don't have the opportunity to explore my bisexuality because that boat has sailed.

And I don't feel comfortable "coming out". I have this vague guilt that I've lived my entire life with straight privilege and still do, being in a straight relationship. I feel like if I came out I'd be virtue signalling and taking oxygen from people who are "actually queer". I'm worried people won't believe me, because I spent 15 years not believing myself.

In terms of things in my life that cause me distress this is not the biggest one (I have C-PTSD, MDD, GAD, and am still not sure I'll survive to my 30s).

But I just feel like I'm stuck being a straight woman, and it's just something about myself that I'll never get to be authentic about. And it sucks and it hurts. And I'm ashamed to tell anyone because I'm afraid neither straight nor queer spaces will believe/accept me.

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