The s shaped entrance is a lot more expensive to construct and consumes more space, so I understand them being very rare. But a simple foot thing is so easy to attach, why is it also rare?
But when the wasp larvae hatches inside the ant nest, how do they escape without being eaten by the ants?
Jeg byder vores nye overherrer velkommen
What's with east Asia and their fundamental misunderstanding of what feminism is? In this article, they think that making fun of penis sizes is feminism.
As a genshin player, I've read multiple posts from Chinese and Korean players on reddit, back when I was still on there, where they refer to the weirdest things as feminism. Sometimes they are against the thing. Sometimes they are for it. But it just doesn't have anything to do with feminism but they keep calling it feminist.
An entire 3%!!!? My bad, carry on then.
Thanks for the info!!!
Who's deciding whether someone is sufficiently pious or not?
Is there a touchscreen on the laptop by any chance?
Is there some list where you can see which instances have this feature?
Maybe bisexual but heteroromantic?
Romantic interest and sexual interest don't always align.
are curvy walls not harder to build than installing a mass produced door in a rectangle frame?