
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 1 month ago

They'll make the replacement so expensive nobody will do it. And then there will be a new rule mandating it needs to be a reasonable price. Apple will say it's reasomable because it factors in environmental costs, and so the dance continues.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I do believe she feels raped, and I do feel the sexsomnia excuse is BS especially since other experts say that sexomnia exists only in papers used to defend rapists. There should've been a fair trial to determine if the rape indeed occured according to the rules of law (that does not mean she cannot feel violated if that's ruled out though). But to say that you just blindly need to believe her, or the accused is a but too much for my taste.

I will probably not be liked for this opinion but I hope we don't fall into the trap of always believing one or the other side without critical thinking. The victim deserves to be believed so that there will be an investigation and a court ruling and the accused deserves to be presumed innocent until proven otherwise. The judicialsystem is not flawless (see this example) and the negatives from those flaws have impact on both the accused and the victim. Only not always in the same amount or in the same time.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

I can't seem to find a limit with It certainly doesn't tie it to a certain website.

[–] 10 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I don't get why they say that? Sure, maybe the attackers don't know that I'm on Ubuntu 21.2 but if they come across and the Paperless-NGX website opens, I'm pretty sure they know they just visited a Paperless install and can try the exploits they know. Yes, the last part was a bit snarky, but I am truly curious how it can help? Since I've looked at proxies multiple times to use it for my selfhosted stuff but I never saw really practical examples of what to do and how to set it up to add an safety/security layer so I always fall back to my VPN and leave it at that.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago

Got my head straight to this short (sorry, it's Youtube): hehe

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

With mobile I also meant iPad so they're good on that. To me "Photo" has a lot of Photoshop abilities (drawing, pencils, etc.) while it lacks, or seems to lack, some Lightroom functions (categorizing, overview of photos, ratings, etc.). But maybe I haven't looked at it good enough. It's certainly a good option to replace photoshop for me, because I don't use most functions of photoshop.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (4 children)

That looks great. It's mostly a Photoshop replacement right? I'm also looking for something to replace Lightroom, with the same amount of functions on desktop as on iPad. Any recommendations?

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (15 children)

I've been on the verge of cancelling my subscription for multiple times now. But everytime I try an alternative it's missing something (for instance capture one mobile does not do masks/layers...), and so I keep shipping shitloads of money to a company which has dickass privacy rules and extorts you out of money.

[–] 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Great looking watch. Congratulations!

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

I don't think so. I do have a keychron keyboard, but that's just USB C I believe.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Going to try both. Someone else mentioned the dummy HDMI plug as well, so I got good hopes for that. Also going to look into Incuss. Never heard of it before.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Thanks, going to do this as well. I had it on a monitor for a while and all looked fine while logged in on the console. Would be a bummer though if this would be true.


I recently acuired a secondhand NUC8I5BEH and installed proxmox on it. But it randomly is unreachable from my LAN. There are no errors in syslog. When I connect a monitor there is no signal. So the NUC seems crashed. The fan is spinning and the LAN lights are on. It's not viewable on my unifi controller and it's not pingable. Where can I start looking for the problem?


I'm looking for a summerwatch from a microbrand. It needs to fit with shorts and t-shirts and be colorful and feel loke summer. I think the Studio Underd0h Pink Lem0nade fits the bill, but I don't want to wait for another drop and delivery.

What do you think would fit the description?


Looking through the instances on their website, a lot of the links are dead or closed for registration. The one that is open and working is promoting a paid version. Is hosting a writefreely instance heavy on resources, attracting the wrong people or just not "cool" enough?


Innovation and privacy go hand in hand here at Mozilla…

Is this the time to drop firefox?

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