
joined 2 years ago
[–] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

Oh no, people now will know I am a stoic communist and real socialist even without me plastering my political believes in each discussion even vaguely related to politics or economics.


[–] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

And yet you cannot disprove a direct correlation between the two events, so, until we won't have a bigger dataset to analyse, both our opinions are equally valid; even if a policy change in the time span of a day and against the economic interests of this institution would skewer the hypothesis towards my interpretation rather than yours, but I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully we'll have this increased dataset available in a short time ;)

To answer your question: more or less all of them. Or at least a great majority (70-80% at least), all of the people who you cited in your list are out for blood against the lower classes so I don't see anything wrong in defending ourselves from these beasts.

They'll have to be successful 100% of the times to avoid being killed, we will need just one successful try to reach our goal

[–] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 12 points 1 month ago (13 children)

Blue shield policy on anesthesia was changed the day after the assassination.

Policies have been changed and no pie was involved

[–] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The better the control systems get, the better will get the working class at circumventing them. Remember that those who write and compile the codes used to keep us in check are also part of the working class. There's always space for a backdoor or an exploit in all codes, one just have to learn how to use them to return to an unknown status.

There is no thing like a people too feeble to revolt. A people who cannot revolt is a people who cannot work nor produce (see every dictatorship in the world, they are surviving but they are not thriving nor innovating anything. The best they can do is copy [China] or using old technologies [Russia, North Korea, Iran]). If the elites want to have their iPhone 20 or their self-driving cars they need us to be productive, and with that comes a certain degree of freedom which entails a degree of risk for their health and lives

[–] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago

They get revenge. Maybe you can't eat it nor you can use it as a medicine to cure your illness, but you can use it to sleep and live better knowing that, one way or another, for some of these people the clock is ticking.

I, at least, have slept much better after receiving this news. And I'm not even American, just a simple European hoping that this trend will be imported from America like many others before it.

(I say imported but we actually are far more advanced than American in this matter. During the 70s there were a lot of terror groups fighting for a better society and what did we get? Social security, a fairer economy and personal rights such as divorce and abortion. After the 90s the situation was so good that these groups disappeared and in 30 years time we're back at where we were before the terror season. Maybe it's time to get back to where our fathers left us)