Depends on who's Kung Fu is stronger.
All of them?
Couple of VPSes and domain names. Maybe 10 euro per month total. That's like 3 bottles of wine so not a cost I worry about.
The truth is that journalism in Poland sucks. It's mostly very biased and full of shit content. Not worth following. It's much better in Spain but I mostly follow local news. I might look for something in English worth sharing.
The proxy naming is not anonymous. In normal democracy if Elon Musk wants to buy votes he can in theory pay million people $100 each to vote the way he says that there's no way for him to verify how they voted. I can take his money and then vote the other way. He wouldn't know.
With digital voting systems (when those are correctly implemented) what you do is separate the vote signature from the vote's content. I submit a encrypted vote and sing it with my certificate. It goes to system A which verifies the signatures but doesn't have the decryption key to check how I voted. After verification the signatures are stripped and encrypted votes are moved to system B (which is air gaped). System B has the decryption key so it decrypts the votes and counts them but since it doesn't have the signatures anymore it can't check which vote is mine.
The proxy system cannot function as an anonymous system. Once I pass my vote to someone I also have to able to retract it. Let's say Elon Musk has 1000 votes and I say I want to retract one. The system needs to be able to check that Elon Musk does in fact have my vote. This means that Elon can pay me for my vote and verify that he actually got it. Which means that rich people will buy votes form the poorest and have greater power than other people. Which will lead to oligarchy.
There's no Jewish or Islamic pope so what a lab-grown meat producer has to do is simply find a Imam or a Rabbi that will agree to say it's halal or kosher. They can pay them nice consulting fee for that. I've seen kosher light switches and cell phones before. Other Rabbis will say it's not actually kosher but everyone can choose which rabbi to follow.
how about bigger guns?
Liquid democracy
Isn't it obvious this would turn into oligarchy real fast?
Is it possible it's still flying to this day?
Really? I would say it was about 2015.
Yeah, it's better to do dinosaur comic and just don't change the art at all.
You're seriously asking what benefits hosting my own email and cloud has over using 'free' services like gmail? Not letting google scan my emails is not a benefit privacy wise?