
joined 1 year ago
[–] 20 points 8 months ago

I don't think you'd be overly doomer to be worried about this. You hit the nail on the head that the scariest part of this is that it lets cops do whatever the fuck they want even more (or allows maga fucks to go extrajudicial). It's just one more legal way for asshats to discriminate against minorities. If this passes, sure, if you're trans in WV, you won't likely be arrested just by going outside, but you bet your ass some cops will probably be willing to assault or arrest you for the smallest shit, or that if anybody assaults you for being trans, they can probably get away with it. If a bill like this passes, it would be wise for all trans people in WV to leave if they can, even if it doesn't mean that trans people are going to be arrested on sight, necessarily.

[–] 6 points 10 months ago

Haiku, the Robot is a very fun metroidvania that you can blast through in under 10 hours if you want something in that genre, but also something short and sweet that wont consume two weeks of your life.

[–] 12 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I don't work in games, but I do work in software and the people you describe are infuriating and have absolutely no idea what it's like to work on a big piece of software. Thanks for the comment.

[–] 15 points 11 months ago

The issue here is that Counter Strike Global Offensive did have official Mac support. Then when CS2 came out, Valve replaced the CSGO client with CS2, rather than making it a new client, and then announced they're cutting Mac support. There is still a weird way to launch GO, but good luck finding players to play against now. It was pretty shitty of them to not leave GO as its own client or to not continue supporting Mac. This isn't quite a case of a new game not having Mac support, what happened from Mac users' point of view is their counter strike game updated and now they can't play it anymore.

[–] 47 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

America: where 18 years old is old enough to go die in some foreign land because the rulers want oil, but where you're belittled and called a kid and people argue against your rights because you dared to make your own legal medical decisions that will make you happier and don't effect anybody else.

It's utterly disgusting that what is essentially propaganda and lies have convinced so many people here that trans people are some evil instead of just normal people who want the right to be themselves. Fuck conservatism, it's a poison.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

As someone who loves RPGs and Star Wars, it took me about 10 attempts to actually get more than an hour into the game before turning it off. It's just that dated. I did eventually power through the first few hours and then the non-aged moments (story and writing) became good enough for me to stick around. I can definitely see how most people wouldn't want to play it for the first time at this point though.

[–] 32 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Surprisingly, Baldur's Gate 3. I absolutely love D&D, but I tried playing through the Pathfinder video games, Pillars of Eternity, Divinity: Original Sin 2, and nothing stuck with me. I just wasn't a fan of the CRPG genre, despite me playing in-person tabletop RPGs multiple times a week.

I bought BG3 thinking I probably wouldn't get hooked, but I didn't want to miss out when literally every one of my friends is playing it. Well, I am absolutely hooked and have 40 hours in the game and will likely do multiple playthroughs, and I kind of "get" the genre now. I know PoE, PF, or DOS2 may not be as good, but I feel a lot more confident at the prospect of playing them now.

So in this case, FOMO helped me a great deal.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

And like... I kind of get where you were coming from, since certain media does its best to say that trans women are "invading" women's spaces or that trans women are inherently "unfair" when compared to cis women, so even if you don't buy into that stuff specifically, it can still be somewhat pervasive, especially since it isn't always hate-media spreading that. There's always a sort of background noise about how trans people are bad in some way, so it can be hard to have fully resolved thoughts on the subject.

The only issues I've personally seen relating to trans women in women's spaces is if a terf loses their shit, and usually in that case, the other cis women lose their shit at the terf. At least in my own life, the overwhelming majority of cis women seem to have no problem with trans women existing in women's spaces (where I am, at least, which is an admittedly progressive area) and I've never really seen a trans woman causing issues, personally, even in sport (I know there were some high level cases in the last few years, but that's like less than 1% of cases, most trans women in sport are just... women... playing sports). I guess that's why I'm so headstrong and forward on the topic, since media says all this and that about trans people and hardly none of it has been true in my own life. I know others' personal experiences will be different than mine, but I'm just really sick of seeing hate directed at minorities who just want to exist (you were not directing hate, I mean the FIDE ruling, you were being pretty darn reasonable, even if you initially disagreed with me).

[–] 9 points 1 year ago

But you don't understand, she's an attractive woman and therefore must be an attention seeker and nothing more.


[–] 22 points 1 year ago (3 children)

The FIDE's ruling on trans men shows they "think trans men are men" (they probably don't actually, but that's what the ruling implies), yet they then ban trans women from women's competitions, meaning they don't think trans women are women, by implication. This ruling isn't consistent, isn't fair, nor does it actually accomplish anything besides driving out a minority group who already have a tough enough time just existing in the first place. It's also not even fair to trans men to strip their titles, as they likely won those titles when they didn't know they were a man.

The ruling here is in no way reasonable, IMO. It exists to hurt people and does nothing else. Trans women need women's spaces just as much as cis women do and banning trans women from women's spaces does not "protect the women" like some people cite for rulings like this, it just further alienates trans people. If someone gets bent out of shape because a trans person exists in the same space as them, they can go fuck themselves, that's their problem, not a trans person's problem.

I heavily disagree with you saying "and this at least provides an avenue for trans women to potentially participate" considering before this ruling, trans women could already play in both women's tournaments and open tournaments and now are banned from women's tournaments. It's the opposite of being inclusive. If you're a trans woman, would you want to go play chess if you're specifically told that you can't play in women's only spaces? No, you probably wouldn't even start. This new ruling specifically exists to discourage trans women from competing by othering them and saying they aren't woman enough to go play with the other women.

The best way for the FIDE to be inclusive is to continue just having open and women's spaces as usual and not fuck with trans people's ability to exist in spaces consistent with their gender. There were no problems being caused before, this ruling isn't fixing anything, it's just hurting people.

[–] 17 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

I've sort of just accepted it. I work in a niche position in a software company that's in a niche sector and while people do depend on me for their livelyhoods, I wouldn't say the products I produce are, in the grand scheme of things, meaningful. What I do only exists as a job in the 20th and 21st centuries and humans got on just fine before that.

I instead find meaning in my hobbies and out of work activities. My job, while pretty meaningless in my mind, does pay me enough to allow me to have a good life outside of work. I don't need my job to be meaningful, I just need it to not suck.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I know it's probably been done in other games, but the drill charge solves so many issues. In past games, you can maybe get a camper with a grenade, but now it's almost guaranteed (especially if you also run in to finish them off if it doesn't get them). It was a brilliant addition to MW2 and I hope it stays in basically all CoD games.

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