Damn I forgot all about that. addictinggames, kongregate, lazylaces, shockwave, joe cartoon, fucking neopets, habbo hotel...
joined 2 years ago
I went from fearing the worst in reddit to wishing the worst in reddit.
Knowing that people can rebuild another platform at a whim, as such the community here, restores my faith in humanity.
It's beautiful to watch Reddit burn, I've been going on it near daily for about 10 years now, it was my morning news paper, and now it's becoming more obsolete than ever.
I give thanks to all the rebels, developers/programmers, innovative thinkers and the people who are truly serious about restoring the true beauty of the internet.
Fuck Reddit and fuck its malware and the dystopia it has become. Its a beautiful dumpster fire, and we all here have the best seats in the house 🍿
I feel like it's going to gain a lot of popularity among people who haven't really used it in the past and have yet to discover it. While for us long-term users we are going to move on.
The general public does not understand what an API is, and does not really understand the changes Reddit is going through. As long as they download Reddit's app, they will get sucked in without.