Maybe pay for the service?
Damn it. I just switched over from Google about a month ago. Worked on creating lots of aliases for my signs-in throughout the internet. I'm not leaving this easily, but now it's something that I'm thinking about and will bounce if things get worse.
And it's way too much charge for the quality of the meat and produce. They give ground pork at beef steak prices and the produce isn't as carefully selected as I would have picked.
Not every home in countries with safe tap water have safe tap water at home
Thanks, and you're welcome!
I get this part, and I agree with a lot of critique. What I'm noticing is that it seems that I'm seeing more hate than valid objective critique. It seems to me that a lot of the anti-US comments are merely to criticize the US out of hate than to criticize a behavior.
Imagine it were people instead of countries. This is like being at a party with friends and Marcel is not present. Marlon shares that he likes coffee without creamer. Martiza says she does too. Misty then says, "Did you know that Marcel uses raw milk instead of creamer in his coffee? What a piece of shit. It wouldn't surprise me though. Everything he does is terrible. Remember, he cheated on Mariah in 2006. He's probably cheating on Merced right now." That's completely unnecessary and irrelevant.
That's what it feels like to me. It's not just critique. It's hate in discussions that are irrelevant to the US. That's been my observation at least, but I'm bringing it up to see if maybe I'm a bit too suspicious or paranoid.
Yes, thank you! This is what I was getting at. The critique isn't objective stuff. It seems deep-rooted and personal. It's not about being upset with an action or policy. It's hate.
Something here is fishy. How does the US not know where Maduro is?
I have been using Linux 100% for the past several years without any use of Win. The last time I used Win, it was Win 7 on a work computer. All I know about Win since is from what I see on Lemmy and the very few short instances when I might look at a friend's computer. What I remember not liking about it was a lack of control in comparison to Linux and that it would get slower and slower with updates. Is the latest Win really as bad as Lemmy makes it out to be? Are there ads in the OS? Does it truly spy on you without your knowledge?
Can you clarify? I'm confused as to whether you think Win ME was the best or worst version of Win.
A colonial powers in the Americas were real douchebags. They genocided the natives, then went to another continent to enslave people and bring them over. All this was for sugar and tobacco. Millions of deaths and enslaved so some people in Europe could smoke cigarettes while they have sweets. It couldn't get much worse than that.