Europeans like to pretend they're innocent, but they are the benefactors of most the damaging empires to have ever existed. They colonized nearly the entire world, extracting value from other cultures while destroying them. They pulled out once it was financially wise, keeping the wealth they extracted and leaving behind the destruction they created. They then blame everyone else for their issues while bragging about how awesome the EU is while overlooking that the EU is only possible due to the wealth they stole from everyone else. Europe likes to discuss that they had their social hardship discussing WWII, but the origin and impact of WWII there was internal to Europe. Had Europe been subject to colonization from elsewhere, it would be just as much a mess as other places. Look at the situation in former Soviet Pact countries that were practically colonized by Russia for maybe half a century. Now imagine if instead of half a century, it was hundreds of years and 5 times as brutal.
~~Fun fact: The term "colony" comes from Christopher Colombus' name, which is Spanish is Cristobal Colon. Even the term colonization derives from a European.~~ Apparently, that was incorrect.
tl;dr: Europe got to where it is by destroying the rest of the world while blaming the rest of the world for their issues. Their critique of USA is merely a distraction from their own responsibility.
I wonder if military training itself is radicalizing a person? just kidding. I don't wonder. I know it has to. The basic principle pushed behind everything in military indoctrination is that one should be not only ready but happy and excited to risk their life to kill others. Dying for this purpose is virtuous as the halls of military installations are covered with the citations of Medal of Honor recipients, many who received the award posthumously. Basically, they see how individuals that sacrificed their lives for the greater goal of protecting their team and destroying the enemy are celebrated at the utmost honorable. The instilled model holds that fellow service members and countrymen are good and whomever they say is enemy is totally evil and must be killed. There is no transitional program to remove that perspective at the end of service, so it stays there. The veteran knowing that they didn't think that way before service may understand that they have to develop a new model or adjust the military one by watching others. If things get too stirred up in a veteran, then the model might be applied if there aren't others to choose from that may provide a solution to the veteran's issues. If the military model is applied, whomever the veteran has placed in the enemy slot based on what media pushes (which in the past decade or so is that even fellow Americans are enemy), friends say (many using the crap from the media),...whatever input they receive to help understand the world around them...that group is now not only marked as enemy, but can be the target of the veteran's self-understood virtuous sacrifice through violence.
I don't understand how this isn't obvious. People are people. Civilians are people. Enemy are people. Veterans are people. People are people. Training people with intense brainwashing to hate a vague concept so that they deeply believe at their core that killing others for the protection of their team is going to result in someone that thinks that way. What other way could it possibly result in? Veterans can be ticking time bombs if their environment is setup for it. Comparing themselves to others that don't seem to feel the same, many commit suicide to clear their mind and end the turmoil because they can tell others don't even understand what they are thinking and feeling, let alone help them, so there's no respite from what happens in there. The only way to end it is to literally end it. If they're going to kill themselves, might as well follow the exalted examples of the Medal of Honor recipients.