
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

qwertz ftw.

*duck and run*

[–] 0 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

back when i was still a teenager, ww did battle ourselfes who typed faster even without a keyboard lol. We just typed on a table or something just based on our finger memory of where which key is normally on a keyboard. This days i often type on my smartphone, but you can't rly type a lot or fast on phones so i still prefer normal computer typing for most things. But people who just chat and don't code or similar...yeah, they probably are mostly only using their phone. my sister as an example hasn't used her laptop for nore than 4 years, probably more.. and just does everything on her phone.

[–] 0 points 4 weeks ago

can you image what the internet would do then? It would end similar to microsofts twitter AI who did learn to be racist by the internet and to swear and stuff.

[–] 0 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

no it doesn't. i tried to achieve this multiple times myself and it never worked. and the cases where journalists say it did, they needed to specific ask a lot of times and in a highly specific way till they got a short snippet. Chatgpt dont spits out the exact same phrases over and over again if you ask the same, but has a variable defining how "random" and "far away from the perfect next predicted text" the output is, and by default this makes sure that the answers are never the same. Otherwise it wouldn't be chat like but more like a simple database spitting out always the same answers for the same question. But that's not how chatgpt works.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago (3 children)

same bs with apps not running jidt because root or apps not being visible in playstore because of it. Netflix isn't even showing up as existing in playstore just because i have root. it's nuts. and there are tons of apps like this.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago

50k users and still every day when you open lemmy you see stone old posts or just copy pasted posts from reddit. 50k users mean nothing if most of them isn't contributing anything (copy pasting content of reddit don't counts).

[–] 0 points 1 month ago

Lemmy don't even works on older browsers, and till isn't fixed i doubt it will take off. A lot of users still user older browsers and won't update just for lemmy. I know it sounds insane but disabling auto updates has become a need this days, specially with browsers (see what google does with chrome or firefox with their shitty forced changes you can't disable or switch off and random settings not working anymore in about config). Instead of supporting as much devices and clients as possible, lemmy is ignoring those and then wonders why nobody much uses lemmy. There isn't even rly a good portion of working apps who don't kill themself every few weeks or months because there was another lemmy server update which killed apps. It's just frustrating trying to use lemmy, so i as an example stopped using it actively because of all the technical issues related to it.

We often yell at reddit about what they do, but look at what lemmy does. We can't even get the basic functionality working without it breaking every few day or weeks for another new reason. Why ANYBODY of the not tech related people ever would want to bear this stress? Most of non tech people can't even install a driver for a printer and we expect that they use lemmy with all it's flaws? come on.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

how would they scan the inside of a password protected zip archive? the whole purpose of the password is that nobody can open it without the pw. you can may look at the zip archive self and check the checksum or maybe filenames, but not open and extract the files to check them (images etc). specially not if you maybe even use rar archives who are even more secure and you can protect even filename lists etc.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (3 children)

except if you put it in a password encrypted archive beforehand. because then nobody has access to it.

[–] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

when i was still in school, we always were allowed to used the computers from time to time to browse the internet. and websites had ads, hut it usually was 1-2 banners.. it didn't feel that extreme overloaded and i even looked at them. I thought they were uninteresting, but I didn't care much. this days i have a allergic reacting against all ads. going online without a adblock feels like websites slap me with a huge block of wood or stone directly into my face over and over and over.. it's crazy.

i really can't understand how this days people can still not go crazy without a adblocker.

[–] 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (3 children)

damn, I didn't expected BugMeNot being that old. Interesting.

[–] 9 points 5 months ago (10 children)

i'm almost 30 and was using (or trying to use..) the site when i was around 14-16 years old. dunno when the site first released thought. i stopped bothering after trying countless hours for weeks to use the site.. but people just spammed fake accounts.

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