The right being poorly educated isn't a quip; it's a designation. One they can neither accept nor escape.
Um, I was just doing a copypasta replacement of the grandparent post.
I do not have not finalized my dissertation on The Complexities of the American Ego: An Examination of Ignorance Fueled Bravado.
Lol are you not familiar with Americans / Superiority Complexes?
Too complicated. Put it on the never buy again list.
Telling a king what to do sounds like a quick way to end up on the dungeon wall.
Based on the comments here, McDonalds probably made the graphic.
Everyone is more focused on how it should have been done rather then fuming at McDonalds for price gouging.
Authoritarianism as it approaches facism
We've normalized mass shootings.
According to Musk after commenters speculated it was fireworks.
There is also a dead body in the vehicle so none of it is adding up. May have been a failed suicide attack as likely as fireworks.
The contract between the dealer and manufacturer doesn't need to be any more complicated than what occurs between a McDonald's and a franchise location.
Even nomadic culture have housing they carry with them.
It's even more unfortunate is how many don't learn by suffering. They simply blame the out group for it.
Since it is the same group they was trying to warn them, it's the easier path.