I agree with at least 2v2 because it evens out the chances that one owl doesn't get votes because it had a bad feather day.
That Buff Fronted Owl is winning hearts and minds right now ❤️
No, I think your scoring system is really clever and I'm excited to see how it all plays out. I was just honestly surprised to see the scoring start out so heavily weighted in one direction, and then balance out that much as time went on.
We all love all the owls haha
The Chestnut Backed Owlet is really striking, the way its coloration drapes over its shoulders like a cowl
Voted in all three! I can't believe the Bay Owls only squeezed through with a Field Goal on that first round. We were so far ahead early on in voting!
Yes! Let's gooooooooo! Omg where did you get those team mascot stickers? Those are great.
Nice to see that both teams are fielding a complete psychopath in addition to the classics. Yes, I'm looking at you, Pel's Fishing Owl and Boreal Owl 🤨
Ok, that Brown Wood Owl needs to model for a makeup company though
It's really neat to see this pic during the day when you can clearly see the yellow irises. I don't know why my brain kind of assumed these classically black-eyed owls just had really dark irises, as opposed to their pupils just being so large at night that you can't see iris at all
Very excited! I have the day off, and I've been looking forward to it
What a pretty guy! That injury sounds terrible for a bird. Does it heal on its own? Or do they need to do some kind of surgical intervention?
Oh this is wild! I just now saw this post. I drive past Fresh Pond all the time. I wonder if I could find these guys.