i am not entirely sure why i'm listed as a bot account, or why this post thinks it's written in Akan, but... i suppose those are just lemmy things.
edit: i think i fixed it? only time will tell.
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i am not entirely sure why i'm listed as a bot account, or why this post thinks it's written in Akan, but... i suppose those are just lemmy things.
edit: i think i fixed it? only time will tell.
That's good stuff there!
I think I can see that razor is Geneva, which is good steel. And looks in great shape too.
And that first DE, that's no normal 40s style superspeed, that's a much more rare Ranger Tech!
Oh really? I was struggling to identify these adequately, all I know so far was approximate time periods and the fact that it shaved much less aggressively than my 3-piece NEW bar handle razor... Any other details you can share I'm all ears!
And yes, the straight is a Pyramid Geneva, haven't tried it but honed it up the other day. Sometimes I wish my whiskers grew faster just so I had an excuse to shave more often!
All of these razors have much better workmanship and materials that most modern ones created today. So many these days are just plated pot metal, and will usually break after a few years of use. And there are companies like Vikings Blade that are adding a story and marking them up super high.
But these that you have are brass at their core, which will outlive you.
As far as dating goes, most of these will have a date code at the bottom, under the baseplate. A letter will be on the left end, and a number will be on the right. The letter is the year, and the number is the quarter of that year.
Scroll down to the section: 1950-1988 (letter codes)
Fantastic, thank you for the data!
I like my Geneva, I think it has the Pyramid too though it's been a while. Yours looks to be in very nice shape. Thanks, now I know what I'm shaving with today. Was actually the first one I honed and it took an edge quite readily. Congrats on the find!
Buddy.. only one genco?? :D maybe it's just me, we all have the brands we find we gravitate to, for me that's Boker, Genco, and Imperial, I have 3+ of each because they're all winners. Just got a new imperial today, my 3rd Chicago world's fair distinct etch! (also like 7/8 which is wild for imperial)
Ha! Well, one so far. But I started with it and it was a good one so ya, it'd have made sense for me to pick up more. However at the time I was looking for variety and figured I had that box checked, just haven't circled back yet. Almost did pick up another now that I think of it but sat on it too long and someone snagged it. My first Imperial is so very patiently waiting in purgatory for scales. I like my Puma a lot but it's my only one. Hm. Ok maybe this is a pattern... Still no Shumate nor Waterville nor Ramapo though so if I was going to make a point of shopping for an American razor I'd probably lean that way. You may have been very wise specialising your collection... And nice score on that Imperial!
Welcome, good to see you here.
That is a much better find than I got when I bought a house - an old children's book and mould behind the bathroom vanity.
I think I recognise a Slim and a SuperSpeed of some kind, but I may be mistaken as sgrdddy thinks otherwise :)
Any datecodes or other markings to help figure it out?