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Some analysts are morons. The reason the Wii U failed was because it wasn’t clear that it was a successor console, and not just a weird add-on.
People have been conditioned to understand numerical console increases for over two decades now thanks to the PlayStation.
Edit: As an aside, are there any console manufacturers besides Sony who have had sequential model numbers consistently? I’ve been mulling this under the last couple of hours and nothing comes to mind!
I can verify that. I am a video game fan, though don’t always follow everything that closely. I remember seeing Wii U for sale and not really understanding what it was. It seemed like just a Wii with a weird controller.
I had a coworker who was convinced that the whole thing was a scam. That it was just an upgraded Wii with a weird controller. So he went out and got a secondhand Wii U console. Just the console. Gave it to his kids for Xmas. Got mad when it didn't work. Eventually got a gamepad (and maybe the power brick? I don't remember if it's cross compatible) and ended up spending more than buying it new.
I'm pretty sure even he can follow Switch -> Switch 2.
I find myself feeling bad for a lot of people's kids and the ones in this story are no exception.
I can see people buying used without a dock and getting mad the old one won’t work. But then there’s usb-c so you can at least charge I for handheld;)
Even if they don't buy consoles, it's how most thing works, phones are an obvious example. iPhone 14 comes after iPhone 13, but iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max are just versions of 14.
If gamers can navigate Xbox -> Xbox 360 -> Xbox One -> Xbox X -> Xbox S, I think they can figure out Switch 2.
Heh, glad you mentioned Xbox - they’re a perfect example of consistent inconsistency! 🤣
And they even managed to do it while Microsoft counted to potato.
Windows 7 8 9(lol) 10 11
Mac OS 7 8 9 X 11 12 13 14 15
Also the touch component and motion controls were something of a turnoff for adults who bought previous generations.
The reason the Wii U failed wasn't because of its name. Sure, it didn't help the slightest but Nintendo's console iterations have struggled in the past because they hardly bring anything new. The Wii U brought literally just a gamepad (and stronger hardware, though marketing focused on the gamepad). Why pay so much for an incremental upgrade? The same fate nearly occured to the 3DS:
After all, why pay money just for a 3D effect? Without continued support and selling at a loss, the 3DS would have bombed.
By the way, the Xbox One - despite its similarly stupid name - never faced the same issues as the Wii U because people actually wanted it.