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I used to walk to all sorts of places when I needed things, or even just for fun, while listening to music or podcasts, when my phone had a headphone jack. Now I never walk anywhere and just about never listen to music on my phone because I can't keep the wireless earbuds connected to the phone or to each other and they're always only at 50-60 percent charge if I'm lucky. Removing the headphone jack from my phone has literally made me less healthy. Thanks, Apple.
If it improves your life and health, buy a headphone dongle. You shouldn’t need to, and it’s fair to complain about spending another $20, but invest in your health before it’s too late.
Nah, I'd prefer to just go without. After all, what's the worst that could happen? I dro
I have a pair of 3 year old Sony ones and they have never died or lost connection. The wired connection was great and I like that its there but these issues aren't realistic, especially given they charge through the same unit as your phone most often.
I use a dongle, but man is it a pain in airports and on planes when I can't charge at the same time