I've been using Lemmy for a while now, and I've noticed something that I was hoping to potentially discuss with the community.
As a leftist myself (communist), I generally enjoy the content and discussions on Lemmy.
However, I've been wondering if we might be facing an issue with ideological diversity.
From my observations:
- Most Lemmy Instances, news articles, posts, comments, etc. seem to come from a distinctly leftist perspective.
- There appears to be a lack of "centrist", non-political, or right-wing voices (and I don't mean extreme MAGA-type views, but rather more moderate conservative positions).
- Discussions often feel like they're happening within an ideological bubble.
My questions to the community are:
- Have others noticed this trend?
- Do you think Lemmy is at risk of becoming an echo chamber for leftist views, a sort of Truth Social, Parler, Gab, etc., esque platform, but for Leftists?
- Is this a problem we should be concerned about, or is it a natural result of Lemmy's community-driven nature?
- How might we encourage more diverse political perspectives while still maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment?
- What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of having a more politically diverse user base on Lemmy?
As much as I align with many of the views expressed here, I wonder if we're missing out on valuable dialogue and perspective by not having a more diverse range of political opinions represented.
I'm genuinely curious to hear your thoughts on this.
democrats are enthusiastic supporters of US imperialism and neoliberalism. they're right wing. end of story
the only difference between republicans and democrats is that they sell US imperialism to different portions of the population. republicans are more honest about their intentions, but if there were only republicans, that would risk massive revolts from the more progressive-leaning portion of the population. this is why the democratic party exists: it allows the us govt to sell the same underlying project with a different face that's more appealing to the average progressive voter
edit: to really drive my point home ask yourself: what is the official stance of the democratic party regarding free and public healthcare, free and public education (including higher education), progressive taxation, public transportation, labor legislation (especially regarding maternity leave), etc? not what some more left-leaning factions of the party say, i mean the actual official party stance. because these are absolutely uncontroversial among the left-leaning parties worldwide
Yeah, this is the shit I'm talking about. You're clueless.
If you lived in the US, you would understand, on a very real, tangible level, the difference between living in a state with a Republican governor vs. one with a Democratic governor. Or for those in big cities, a Republican mayor vs. a Democratic mayor.
Any person older than 30 in the US that is not all of the following: white, cis-gendered, heterosexual, will tell you just how wrong you are.
You make leftists look bad, and I wish you'd stop. Use some critical thought. Recognize nuance. Don't let ideology cause you to ignore objective reality.
"less" right wing is still right wing
i've been made aware of how miserable living in a red state is. but being not as rabidly misogynistic and racist as republicans doesn't make the dems "not right wing". implementing better domestic policies doesn't either. at the end of the day, both parties represent the interests of corporations, will implement austerity measures that widen your already massive wealth gap, and will make sure the us-american empire keeps the rest of the planet in a stranglehold
edit: as for you saying i'm ignoring reality, again, i'm aware republicans are worse for you, but i need you usians to truly grasp the reality that, unlike most other democracies, your two major parties are right-wing and ultimately uphold the same project. any right-wing politician for europe or latin america would feel at home in the democratic party
And if you lived outside the US, you would understand that it doesn't make a difference if the bombs leveling your city are painted red or blue, and the minor difference in domestic policy between the two factions of the genocidal empire really don't matter to the people you're exterminating.
The differences between the two are NOT minor, but I support your second point completely.
Or foreign policy families have been staggering, no matter who has occupied the White House.
For you the difference may not seem minor, but when your entire country has been leveled by American bombs, the slight difference in social issues that applies only to comfortable Americans who are not living in refugee camps being hunted by sniper drones seem basically negligible.
I get what you're saying. We have been very fortunate here, but that has been the limit of our lived experience, so to us, it is not minor. In the big picture, you are correct.
Yes, I understand that it is the lived experience of Americans, and I acknowledge that the Republicans do make life notably worse for many Americans (especially trans Americans). On the other hand, it's pretty fucking annoying having to listen to chauvinist shitheals like Prole insist that the American perspective is the only one that exists.
Except in the big picture, they're not entirely correct. There is a valid point to be made there (that US imperialism is awful, and it has caused immeasurable harm to countless people).
But when we are talking about something as valuable as human life, I think it's important that we understand nuance and context.
US foreign policy, and how we project ourselves to the rest of the world, is not the same regardless of which party is in charge. It's just not.
I'm not defending Democrats' foreign policy in any way, I am just acknowledging reality.
That person seems only interested in demonizing the US. So they start with the conclusion (US is bad), and then seemingly form their entire worldview around that.
Good point.
No, it's not a good point. The only difference between the two parties foreign policy is how the frame it to the domestic audience. As Prole is incapable of imagining foreigners as human, that's all he cares about, but for those of us on the business end of American foreign policy it really doesn't matter if the bombs are painted red or blue.
Yeah, it's not a minor difference. A fact that people are about to wake up to in a week or so...
Yeah, I know Americans have trouble believing that foreigners are people, but believe me: for us, the difference is negligible.
I know you love to get to make a snarky reply, but no.
You are in for a rude awakening.
Lol. American literally cannot conceptualize a world outside of America.
Do you really not understand? What you are about to learn is that foreign policy is very fucking different when Republicans are in charge. I am directly referring to the world outside America you dolt.
After witnessing decades of US foreign policy, I have seen that it is virtually entirely a bipartisan consensus. US imperialism and neocolonialism are bipartisan. The fire hose of regime change operations are bipartisan. Full-spectrum dominance is bipartisan.
No, I understand. I understand that, as an American, you only experience American foreign policy in how the administration's framing of it makes you feel. I understand that the comforting lies and platitudes of the Democrats make you feel better than the blunt cruelty of the Republicans. I also understand that you are unable to conceptualize the idea of perspectives and experience outside of that of Americans.
Also, what's this "you're about to learn!" shit? The last Republican administration (the last Trump administration even!) was only four years ago, and it's foreign policy was exactly the same as every other administration.
OK. Let's revisit this conversation in 6 months.
Lol, alright shitlib Nostradamus. Will you have learned that foreigners are human by then?
It's like talking to a goddamn fucking wall. I honestly hope you are very young, because you've got a lot to learn about the world.
Aww, what's the matter? Is endlessly repeating "you just don't realize I'm right yet!" not as persuasive as you think?
I'm old enough to remember Trump's last term, the one that had the exact same foreign policy as every other one.
How about this, try engaging those calcified empathy faculties for once and actually consider the perspective of a non-American.
Calcified empathy faculties? My guy, read my comment history. You know literally nothing about me.
Why the fuck was my previous comment removed? Man tankies are so cringe. You think the world is black and white, but millions of people fucking live and die in the grey areas you conveniently ignore.
Good to know that the definition of "tankie" has become so broad that it now includes "people who recognize non-Americans as people"
You keep saying this shit about me not recognizing non-Americans as people? Please tell me where I said or even implied anything of the sort.
Seems like you're projecting.
But truly, please bring to my attention where I've indicated that I don't believe non-Americans (or anyone for that matter) are human so I can correct it.
You are clearly incapable of a nuanced conversation. As I said wayyyyy back earlier in the thread I believe, I am well aware of the atrocities that the US has committed. I am not denying any of that. You seem to think that I am for some reason.
Repeating that Republican foreign policy is worse than Democratic foreign policy is not nuance. Implying that a Democrat’s actions were “mistakes” and Republican actions are not is not nuance.
US foreign policy is the largely bipartisan policies of imperialism in the interests of the capitalist class, which both parties represent, because the US is an oligarchy.
This guy gets it.