Do people not know about browsing history?
Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm'
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Or bookmarks?
Or Notepad, if the links are really that important?
How did they get a reporter into my house
Firefox is not the right Tool for the job. And so many Tabs open? That doesn't make sense in any concievable way.
That just means they haven't updated Firefox in years.
I've been betrayed early enough and often enough to take monthly backups of my profile and export tab lists as text files. Just in case.
All of you going 'well that's not my use case' don't have to get it, you just have to shut up and let us do our thing. Yours is the same aggravating attitude as 'so what if the computer reboots to forcibly update?' Listen: go to whatever physical space you've carefully organized, dump all that shit onto the floor, and then pick it back up piece by piece to make it right again. How you feel doing that is how we feel several times a month.
How you feel doing that is how we feel several times a month.
Because you're doing something dumb. That's really all there is to it.
I am using software in a way that suits my intent.
The ability to do this is one of the reasons I choose this software.
Do you think they're adding vertical tabs for you people with six of them?
Tab session manager that difficult to install? 😮💨