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No anti-nautilism posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer

Vaush posts go in the_dunk_tank

founded 4 years ago

If you hadn't pissed on Thatcher's grave making bad vibes she wouldn't have died during her abdominal surgery and wouldn't have had to put out an AI photo to trick the gammon she's still kicking.


I appreciate everyone's responses a lot. I also think it was good to remove the post because there was some reactionary stuff in the google doc I linked. I found it through one of the articles that Bad Mouse's link led to, not in any of the other comments. I only looked at the "first hand accounts" links in the doc and didn't even double check what else there was so that's my error.

I had a feeling the take would be that there are certainly big flaws, as there are in any org, with any group of people, but PSL is still one of the few vehicles for socialist agitation that there actually exists, and by joining it we can help improve it.

I'm likely going to be moving to San Francisco when I'm back in the states in case anyone has recommendations about specific orgs in the bay that are certainly good.

Also I got to say Bad Mouse's ultra turn also bummed me out a little. It seems like such a baby leftist thing to do to just shit on a socialist party from across an ocean and then refuse to elaborate.


2 months ago I was getting hype because bunkers and tunnels were making a popular comeback thanks to Hamas and the Hasidic bros in Brooklyn were digging a tunnel for their messiah. Now? Nothing. No more tunnel discourse. What happened?


Zizek even clowned on him and he spent the better part of the debate just being mad at trans people. Elmo would crush Kermit with his infinite love and cuteness and Peterson would shrivel away from the light like a monster out of a fairy tale.


Why no recovery com?


I know this post is like a decade late and very boring, but I gotta post it anyway

Basically, with employer-sponsored health insurance the employer pays half and the employee (you) pays half. The cost of your insurance goes way down if you have a high deductible, and a deductible is basically what you'd have to pay before the insurance actually pays anything. So 'high-deductible' means you have to pay a lot before insurance pays anything, and it's a lot cheaper to buy that insurance cause the insurers often just don't pay anything ever. If it's $5,000 before insurance pays a dime, often times you have to just pay as though you had no insurance. This is obviously bad, but it's also cheap so like maybe you just luck out an never get sick or injured, right...?

Anyway, HSAs. Yeah, it's called "Health Savings Account". It's marketed as a tax-advantaged, investor-y, bougie-"we're comfortable" lifestyle way to really feel like a keen insider. Picture this: what if health insurance was individualized in the same way 401k and retirement stuff was, and you could "call your broker" at your "health savings account" to tell them to invest your tax-free "medical dollars" in the latest gizmo or whatever. Just deeply bad for solidarity and also very weird. And this is how basically everyone thinks about HSAs. A "tax-loophole" for the rich that I can also use because "I'm actually very financially savvy, just like the rich, who got where they are because of a weird hyper-individualized investment thing rather than any underlying systemic basis of societal organization".

And you're probably thinking: "But I already hate the suburban petite-bourgeois and their annoying mannerisms for reasons that are way less boring and meaningless." Well you're right, but also: high deductible plans are a requirement of HSAs so the employer's half decreases significantly. Your employer doesn't contribute to the HSA (they technically could, but if you're reading this post they don't [incredibly silly losing battle available there for libs]), so hopefully you do at least up to your deductible, but it's pretty likely that's not possible even if you had the money (no one does) because you literally aren't allowed to due to contribution limits. (if people did have the money it would probably be better to get different / better / additional health insurance anyway.) But importantly and I guess obviously: nobody contributes to their HSA. It's basically the chance for each person to individually manage an insurance fund for only themselves, which is almost exactly the same as paying out of pocket, the main difference being the additional bank account and a make-work program for MBAs. I've talked to almost a dozen office workers about this and they mostly have no idea what I am saying at all or say "yeah, I added money in onboarding, but I canceled it once I realized it came out of my pay."

There's no non-scam option btw if that wasn't clear. And, yeah, obviously all health insurance is a scam, but this is a different scam run by a slightly different set of people (there's def overlap though don't get me wrong). The office job benefits world is basically a choice between varying levels of high-deductible plans + HSA (ie. $1.5k, $3k, $5k...) with maybe one ridiculously expensive low-deductible plan.

Anyway, thoughts? I needed to get this rant out, I guess. Maybe I just missed the discourse on this because I was a child at the time lol.


I gained a bunch of weight during the lock down and started snoring really badly. I've since lost most of the weight I've put on but kept snoring bad and began having other health problems. So yeah the Doc is having me put on one of those face mask thingies for a while.

People keep telling I'll sleep better but damn does the thing look fucking weird.


As I understand it there are 3 editions, and the third one has 31 volumes in total? and Anna's Archive seem to only have some of them. Anyone know where I could find them all?


This is on my mind, since I had to temp-ban someone from c/vegan for it in the past week, and another example of it went unmoderated for hours after being reported in another community (though it was eventually dealt with).

It doesn't matter how much the person you're responding to deserves it. Odds are, they will not care. But you know who will care? Any comrades who happen to read the thread and who struggle with suicidal ideation and/or self harm. You could ruin their day. You could be the push that sends them over the edge. Even in the unlikely event that you cause grief to the person you're responding to, no amount of collateral damage is worth it.

Don't make suicide bait posts or comments. Don't upvote suicide bait posts or comments. Report and denounce them wherever they show up.









































































































submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Wanted to get a thread together to highlight aid groups that can be donated to to help Palestinian aid

~~That's the only one I know of but leaning on y'all for help to spread the word. Lots of medical aid needed so let's direct our energy toward those helping in Gaza~~

Keep em coming and I'll try to continue to add them here


cross-posted from:

2/4/2021 Update: In light of chucklefuck TERF shit with Giggle, I am once again demanding the rest of you liberals educate yourselves on trans issues with Trans Liberation as a starting point. And you better believe more literature on minority struggle is in the pipelines. We're doing some reading this month, libs. Get ready.


Follow that link and you'll find a free download of the book in pdf and comrade @EugeneDebs's epub, comrade @futomes' audiobooks for all eight chapters, and notes and discussions from the book (and don't you dare just read the fucking notes you god damn liberals, read the fucking book or listen to the audiobook).

I spent an entire weekend night scanning the whole damn book so y'all could educate yourselves on the fucking struggles we've been screaming about for the past six months and hardly any of you damn cissie libs participated. Had you participated you'd probably have a better understanding of the struggles we face and we probably wouldn't be in this situation where trans people are heading for this damn hills because you're all shit libs driving us away.

Fucking read it or listen to the audiobooks and I won't ask again. It's all free. The book is only 147 pages - that's 7 pages per night for exactly 3 weeks. I wipe my fucking ass with 7 pages, that's nothing. People put genuine effort into this to ensure you could educate yourselves and you have no reason not to outside of fucking liberalism.

It reads quick. Drop whatever the fuck you're reading and read this. Now. :leslie-shining:

~~Edit: I'll be throwing up a discussion thread at some point in the next week or so for you damn shitlibs to comment on with things you find meaningful so I'll know if you actually gave a shit. I swear to God I better see y'all in the comments.~~

If you're having trouble downloading, there are links in this comment by u/hexaflexagonbear that seem to work.


Lookin for it?

