
joined 1 year ago
[–] 48 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I believe Lula and his government appreciates anything that reduces the influence of the US.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

Well in this case the video is about over the top "woke" anti-veganism

[–] 10 points 6 months ago (1 children)

This is something that annoys me a lot to be honest. Obviously, there are racist, colonialist vegans. It is a structural problem of western societies, and vegans aren't unaffected by that. Bringing it up and talking about these issues is important, but especially from non-vegans, it is often insinuated that these problems are somehow particular to vegans.

It is a huge distortion of the narrative. It is not the vegans asking indigenous people to stop eating meat, it is white people saying "ohh what about the indigenous" and use legitimate and important indigenous issues as an excuse to continue to consume animals and animal products.

This is what I keep seeing in leftist anti-vegan arguments. You take any of the social issues (racism, ableism, sexism, whatever) and use them to legitimize veganism as a movement. And this is rarely done because of sincere concern of these issues, it is nothing but a shell to try to make their opinions appear ethical. It feels hollow.

Beyond that, the intersection of carnism and colonialism is striking. The animals we eat, the rainforests that are burned down for animal feed, the environment we destroy through animal agriculture - that is an extension of colonialism. And now when Anti-colonialists are for some reason way more outspoken about veganism than they are about carnism, then they are pretty inconsistent in their own anti-colonial beliefs.


Video essay by a fairly small youtube creator. She often addresses anti-vegan narratives.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago

Someone told me once they used ChatGPT as a tool to practice a language. I thought it was quite invovative

[–] 6 points 7 months ago

There will be an official repository maintained by the Blender Foundation. It'll have some quality control, but I don't know what their standards will be exactly. The cool part about it is that there can be multiple, third party repositories. So people can build and maintain their own extension platforms, decentral, just like lemmy

[–] 3 points 7 months ago

I'm pretty excited about this. I wonder if there will be other repositories for the addons, like the blendermarket.


The long awaited/brewing official Blender Extensions Platform's public alpha version has silently gone online a few days back and can be accessed at !

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

I genuinely don't think this is uneffective. There are probably a bunch of people who genuinely didn't recognize the problem here and were exposed to a different perspective. And might be more critical next time they see a supposedly 'wholesome' picture like that.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago (2 children)

I didn't intend to be effective, I just wanted to share something that upset me with some fellow vegans.

Most people aren't familiar with whale microexpessions and think this whale looks happy.

I don't think you have to be familiar with that at all. The dolphin lives in a tiny confined space and is deprived of everything interesting in their life, unable to pursue most of their behavior. Now if there is something going on outside the barriers of the aquarium, of course it excites/interests the dolphin. That doesn't make it wholesome. It is just sad.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (4 children)

what else would you want me to do? don't put highly intelligent creatures into cages for our own entertainment. It doesn't matter what human emotion we project onto them. they lead sad and stressful lives.

I'm actually suprised this is controversial, considering this is a vegan community

[–] 9 points 8 months ago

I love Vital (Vitalium) and Zyn-Fusion. Surge and Odin are great too. all of them are open source and work great with bitwig.


written by Ben Gidley, Daniel Mang, Daniel Randall


All code on the blendermarket is GPL. Yet, it sold over 25 million dollars worth of software. No DRM on the assets, all free software. Free as in freedom, not as in beer. In spite of that, I have not seen once anyone in the blender community complain about piracy, let alone have I seen anyone distribute any software or assets sold on the blendermarket unofficially. It just isn't a problem, or at least not more of a problem than on any other DRMed closed source alternative.

Around 10 years ago the developer of a closed source renderer called Corona ranted about Blender's GPL, as it prevented him from integrating his renderer into Blender without disclosing its source code:

Because entire Blender is covered by GPL licence, it is forbidden to link anything closed-source to it (not just commercial as in "you pay for it", but anything closed-source, which includes "it is free to use, but I won't give you my source code") [...]

We thought there were some loopholes, but it turns out the "Free" Software Foundation thought about them too and explicitly forbidden them. [...]

So, Blender has unusable licence. That is fine, any software developer is entitled to the choice of licence. If somebody wants to make a 3D studio legally usable only while not wearing underwear, he should be able to do it. What makes me angry is the whole FREE software ideology/advertisement. FSF goes on and on about "protecting users freedom". Their interpretation is:

  • being able to choose from free plugins: freedom
  • being able to choose from the same free plugins, plus also commercial plugins: less freedom.
  • Forbidding good Corona renderer integration for Blender is freedom. Allowing it would make Blender less free. [...]

I am not saying the OSS concept is wrong. There are other, much better and really free licences, like MIT/Apache/... If Blender would use any of them, we would start Corona for Blender right now. Too bad it uses the GPL bullshit. I feel bad for Blender users, because they will never have any fully-integrated commercial renderer plugin :/.

He feels bad for what? For users having a thriving software ecosystem with license that ensures it stays free and open forever? The Corona Dev wrote this 10 years ago, probably without realizing that blender was already on its way to become the most widely used 3D application. There are plenty of people making money developing comercial plugins for blender - and they are all GPL.

It makes me think about how much we all have been gaslit by the tech corporations that without DRM and that whole subscription-licenses nightmare they would run out of business. It is not true and we can point our fingers to the blender ecosystem to prove them wrong. I don't know.. I haven't seen anyone point this out yet.

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