Can't be that powerful if they just like that got fired
No, the cycle doesn't close if you turn one product into a different one. Recycling is melting one bottle and turning into a new bottle. If you turn one product into a lower quality one, it's downcycling. Unless you are very proud of what you did, than it's upcycling
They look quite narrow tbh
Still a leap from "grandfather from Argentina" to "his parents are from Germany and he himself went back to the country, his parents left". I would assume most Argentineans do not have ancestry in Germany so no reason to assume that if you only know they are from Argentina
This way it doesn't make much sense. Germans flew to Argentina, not the other way around. And quite some German Jews flew there too so it could still be both
I don't think so
Thinking about it, it totally makes sense and has in inherent logic, even tho it's not intuitive
But don't take it personal
I think it's intended as "not only when" because it would make sense to have an "if empty" case but the way it is, it doesn't make sense
I'm not scale shaming, just to be clear. I'm shaming you for what you have done
Always has been
True! This fucking shit has to st*p!!