I was about to leave a snide "Eww, crypto" comment here, but this "Interledger Protocol" seems like the most good-faith approach to digital currency I've seen yet? I'm not knowledgeable enough to fully understand it, but I hope it will actually turn out to be a good thing.
Beer-drinking European living in 'Murica here. For certain styles, the US has fantastic beers available. In particular IPAs (which don't always have to be mega hoppy!), pale ales, pilsners, amber ales, and stouts. Plenty of great choices to be found here, if you discover the right breweries. That's key, because there are a lot breweries with imo questionable taste.
What's harder to find are good beers of other styles, such as Belgian or German beers. US breweries try, sometimes, but they aren't succeeding.
Ok, sounds cool. So I downloaded a .xdc file and.. now what? I think they should've started with a paragraph on how to actually run one of these files.
inoreader seems very ergonomic, thanks!
I've been interested in trying out RSS again but I don't want to self-host. Can anyone recommend a RSS client (hosted, local, or whatever) that they like?
If you don't already have some combat boots, look for some new or used ones at an army surplus store. They're usually cheap and look great.
Vintage band shirts can often be gotten from Ebay
They're mainly doing it to deny India and Bangladesh access to their largest river. It's not like people need fresh water to live, right?
FWIW I have never been bothered by a little cosmetic wear.
And people pay extra these days to get a "relic"ed guitar. Make of that what you will.
The continued existence of police forces in the US depends on their role as protector of the wealthy. They know they must perform their duty or risk losing the protection of their patrons.
I unfollowed Alec on Fedi because every other post would be him complaining about his interactions on there. Reply guys. Trolls. Lack of algorithms which raise some of the better comments out of the drek. Insufficient moderation. Etc. This got boring and depressing to read about honestly.
However I think he's totally right. Mastodon/Fedi works well for certain kinds of people. People with limited engagement, people posting mostly uncontroversial things, and perhaps people who just don't give a shit. But for high-visibility folks like Alec the old-school unfiltered discourse seems really uncomfortable.
It has little to do with federation itself, I think. But if Mastodon ever added the choice for users to enable "modern social media algorithms" for their view of their feed I suspect it would work a lot better for many people.
Yeah, that must be it. It's a real shame because the core technology seems to be solid. Streaming 1080p videos from other instances just works. But finding channels to follow seems impossible.