Some friends from Philippines told me Marcos family used a social media campaign for years depicting his father's decades of dictatorship as some kind of utopia where everything was better. And a ton of people bought that over HARD FACTS. Marcos Sr. stole something like $20billion from Philippines (this was 80s dollars, not current value) so they had a lot of money to spend on this kind of social media engineering. Very scary.
SMH. This is disappointing.
NFL lost the ultra-MAGA base with kneeling. They ain't winning them back so this is fine.
As of 11:46am ET, they have not taken effect. I am NOT sure if Trump administration knows how to implement what they want to do LOL.
That is a pity that your own bias and fears kept you indoors when nightlife in Quebec and Toronto are some of its best in the summer months. The street festivals? Such a shame you missed out on them because of your unfounded fears and holed up in your hotel. The streets would be teeming with people. The atmosphere electric. People walk around carefree and safe. It is a blessing to live like this.
Your fears are based on your own fears from your own country, not based on reality of our cities. Compare the crime rates there to here. Random muggings nor rapes just do not happen here. When they do, it's lead news here. The guns and the crimes of that US - we don't want to join the US. Not a chance. The life and realities are starkly different despite a common language and common colonial ancestry.
Economist has a safe cities index. Toronto ranks 2nd in the world as of the latest rankings. When it comes to violent crimes, Toronto's is almost half that of LA.
That's kinda creepy. I don't have to go out on a limb to say you've never been to Canada while I've been to the biggest cities in the US. I live in Toronto. While I am a man I know a lot of women in my life who walk at night DOWNTOWN. And nobody would tell them they are insane to do that. It's not an issue here. It behooves me that you all assume the world is like the US. It isn't. Yes there are bad places to not walk at night - certain ghettos for instance, or a certain small city in the prairies with a reputation. The large ones - Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal in most parts are safe for both genders. Come and visit us sometime. Summer is better.
This comment isn't about violence against women comment. This is about safety of walking at night in cities. So just because I say it's much safer to walk at night in Canada DOES NOT MEAN I AM DENYING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN DOESN'T EXIST. Sheesh the logic of some.
Compared to the US, yes it is much much safer here. I would be scared to walk late night downtown ANYWHERE in US cities. Here, that's never been a problem.
Easy solution: live in a safe country! We have no fears of night walks in Canada.
It's not so much that they fucked up, but the refs had a hand in this. Like the 4th down call - from TV it looks like it was good. But one ref overruled the other, the field on the call stood, and Chiefs went on to score a TD off that play - a potential 10 point swing in a close game. Fucking rigged crap.
I think Lamar had a better supporting cast. Allen carried this team.