Probably so!
My 1996 Barenaked Ladies Geocities page looked better than this.
Well I'm not American so it only matters to me in that the orange rapist wants to annex my country, but I did note that people had lynching effigies of Obama when he was elected hanging in their yards and stuff, so. I'm fine with being wrong if you say this is so, it's just my observation.
Chock. Florida is truly insane.
I'm not American but I think the current wave of ugliness is because Obama was elected, and conservative people who are racist in their hearts didn't like that an "uppity Negro" was in the most powerful position in the world for eight years, and they couldn't come up with anyone palatable to beat him. So instead they found who is probably the most obnoxious person in the world to put at the helm of their party, and because conservatives have oppositional defiant disorder, and get off on someone being like they are openly, they flocked to him loudly, where more traditional conservative politicians knocked in vain, and it was just a chance for them to really be themselves. I think they've always been this way, but just not as loud about it.
Also Zuckface fuckface fed them a steady diet of weaponized disinformation about anyone who wasn't white or Republican so it made them even uglier and stupider. But they'll probably all die of preventable disease as time goes on, so that's something to look forward to.
Isn't that weird? Reply All podcast did an episode about this.
A real upstanding guy.
If it's like where I live decisions on sentencing are made with an eye to the person's history, like if you have a low IQ and fetal alcohol syndrome, your sentence is less. No idea about France though.
I'm not, how shall I say, that into sex, but I leave people to their kinks. But what kind of human are you that you go over to someone's house the night your child is born to rape some stranger at the invitation of her husband?
I've been listening to them a lot lately. Damn those albums are good.