Missed opportunity for "the next day he woke up dead."
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This thread is interesting. Everywhere ranging from "I eat pizza from the counter after 3 days" to "yeah I would never eat anything left out on the counter for over 2 hours".
And someone said everything in their fridge is food they cooked over 5 days ago.... Why??
Shoot I'll leave rice on the counter all day sometimes... I should stop doing that.
Edit: oops no. Same guy. I think about this all the time. Like...who raised him to leave pasta on the counter and then eat it?! The sheer ignorance baffles me.
5 days ON THE COUNTER?! And it tasted off, and he consumed it anyway.
This is so stupid that it has to be intentional suicide.
I one time argued with literally hundreds of people on Reddit about basic food safety regarding food left out on the counter. I'm still floored by it. Numerous government agencies around the world agree about this, and yet...
Btw food safety was MORE critical before modern science because you could easily die from it back then. That was a common excuse people gave me in the previously mentioned subreddit, for eating food left out/bad - "our ancestors did it". No.